Rolleston Park Solar Farm

Rolleston Park Solar Farm developed by Push is located on the Land West of Burton Road, Rolleston on Dove, Burton, East Staffordshire, DE13 9FG. The solar farm will have a capacity of 12 MW AC. The project will be built over an area of circa 17 ha, this site will be used to generate electricity for 40 years, after this time the land will be returned to its original state. The electricity generated from the solar farm will be exported to the local power grid and will be enough to power approximately 3,600 UK homes per year. This clean, renewable electricity will help East Staffordshire Borough Council meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2040. There will be significant biodiversity enhancements, with a mixture of hedging plants and indigenous shrubs proposed on site. As a priority Push will work to ensure public rights of way will remain open and will be screened by the existing and new hedgerows.

The solar farm project is part of a pipeline of projects by Push, an experienced developer of renewable energy projects in the UK. As the project goes through a rigorous planning process, it will be supported by experienced planning and design consultants at Sustainable Planning Design Studio Ltd. (SPD-Studio). Push Energy and SPD-Studio will work closely with the local planning authority and communities to ensure the project is developed and built to a high standard, which will create local jobs, increase biodiversity in the area, and minimise any disruption to the local community during the construction phase.

What are the benefits of Rolleston Park Solar Farm?

National Benefits 

The Rolleston Park Solar Farm scheme will represent an important contribution to meeting the UK's legally binding target under the Climate Change Act 2008 to achieve 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050. The proposal also contributes to the Prime Minister’s British Energy Security Strategy published in April 2022, which aims to boost Britain’s energy security following rising global energy prices and volatility in international markets, by decreasing our energy import requirements. The UK currently have a solar capacity of 14GW, which looks to increase this capacity by 5 times by 2035.

To meet the UK’s aim, the UK Government continues its support for the development of renewable energy projects in the UK contributing to energy security, ensuring the nation’s growing economic development and energy demands are met.

Diversifying the current UK energy mix ensures that the nations’ demand is met with low prices. According to the UK Government, in 2019, UK emissions were 42 per cent lower than in 1990, while our economy over the same period grew by 72 per cent. This means we can achieve economic development without contributing to climate change by supporting renewable energy projects.

Community Benefits 

Rolleston Park Solar Farm will provide low-cost renewable energy in the Borough of East Staffordshire. Local power generation will contribute to the energy supply in the area and can contribute to local business opportunities. Rolleston Park Solar Farm will bring in an annual income to the area which will contribute to the local economy and can generate job opportunities. Rolleston Park Solar Farm will also intend to keep the rights of way accessible for the life of the project.  

Push Energy are open to discussing further community benefits that can be provided to the local community, during the consultation stage.

Environmental Benefits

Rolleston Park Solar Farm will generate 12 MWh per annum from a renewable energy source, this is equivalent to displacing 2,100 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every year. This is the same as removing 480 cars of the road for a year. This will influence climate change and as CO2 emissions are reduced air quality in the UK will improve, ensuing our planet is not damaged for future generations. During the lifetime of the project Push Energy aims to have minimal impact on the land, our objective is to enhance the quality of the land and soil as well as contribute to the biodiversity of the site.

As part of constructing the site, the proposal is made to include wild flower meadows, hedge and tree planting, installations of bird/bat boxes and solitary bee hives. This enhanced biodiversity is made possible by taking the land out of intensive agricultural farming and resting the land for 40 years, improving the soil quality and allowing wildlife to thrive.

Why Here?

This site has been carefully selected as part of a detailed feasibility process which includes the consideration of grid capacity, sunlight irradiation and material planning considerations including; cultural heritage, ecology and biodiversity, flood risk, landscape visual impact and land grading. A variety of technical surveys are being carried out to confirm that the land is suitable for solar energy farm use. The area has an increasing demand for energy and this site has a technically and commercially viable grid connection. The area benefits from a nearby point of connection to the electricity network, avoiding excessive and unnecessary disruption and roadworks.

Mitigation Measures

We will take numerous measures to mitigate against any risks. Access and maintenance roads are to be constructed using permeable materials so as to not increase flood risk. To enhance biodiversity net gain on the site, scrub and scattered trees at the boundaries of the site should be retained with a buffer zone and enhanced to create corridors and shelter/foraging areas for wildlife including bats, birds, hedgehogs and small mammals.

The Planning Process


Current Stage

We are currently in the early stages in the development of the proposal. We are preparing for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion Statement to be submitted to East Staffordshire Brough Council’s planning team to confirm that an EIA is not required. The aim of this statement is to allow the council to understand the environmental effects of a development before deciding whether it should go ahead. You will be able to view the progress of the EIA on the East Staffordshire Borough Council’s planning page.


Push are a Colchester based firm, renowned for their ability to develop, construct and operate high quality renewable energy assets. Push are unique in the solar industry, whereby they are integrated with an in-house construction team - Push Energy. This gives Push a complete overview and control from conception through to completion.

In selecting sites, they look for minimum visual impact with appropriate landscaping, viable grid connection and ecological improvement with double-cropping by grazing, ensuring that at the end of the project’s life the land can be returned to agricultural use.

Push’s mission is to provide a professional and cost effective solution to the supply and demand of large-scale green generation through the use of renewable technologies. Since conception, Push has designed and installed 350 MW of solar generation systems in the UK. Their work has displaced 13,350 tonnes of CO2 per year and provided clean renewable energy to 105,000 households every year in the UK.

Financial partners share their vision and are willing and able to back their efforts to help achieve a low carbon economy. To date Push have concentrated in the development and realisation of PV power plants of every size from site selection to plant construction and on-going operational and maintenance support.

Push work with the landowners, local stakeholders, planners, and the power networks to supply renewable, green power into the grid for local use.

Acting on behalf of Push are our experienced planning & design consultants SPD-Studio, who have been working closely with Push to produce the design drawings and planning documents.

Please keep an eye out for any updates. A link to the planning application will be live once submitted